Monday, September 14, 2009

He Cleaned....

Yep! he cleaned stuff up. He cleaned so well we now have no clue where all the important things got stuffed. You know when you "put it in a safe place''? Where exactly is that place? really?...If you find it let me know, all my stuff is there...

I guess I should tell you who "he" is..He is my wonderful husband named James. We have been married for almost 11 yrs. We are still getting to know each other and it feels like no time has gone by at all. Quite strange since we have 3 kids. Life is good with him most days, we have our hiccups. Some are bad, some are really bad. Most are over and done with in no time. He is teaching me, by example, to be kinder and quicker to forgive. I have a big chip on my shoulder, thankfully he doesn'tseem to mind it most days!

Ohh I digress....

Today is the first full week of school. I wanted to start riding my bike and getting back into my health regime. I am feeling fat, flabby and tired. I actually hate feeling like this now. I know I can feel much better than this. I know I can lose weight and be in better health. I have little issues that make working out and eating well tougher for me than for the average person. I have a bad knee and plantar fascitis. That means walking hurts and so does going up and down the stairs. Don't even get me started on the food issues..that's a whole 'nother story! Anyways...I have a recumbent stationary bike..I love it. I still have to stretch like a crazy lady after my ride but it hurts the least of all activities. I REALLY wanted to start today..but alas, darling hubby has put the cord "in a safe place" He has looked in all the boxes that got packed up.

Oh wait...why are all the boxes packed up? No, we aren't moving. We are renovationg. Bleh, just as fun let me tell you. With 3 kids, one crawling and the darn dog it's been a slice. We have had to shift aroud all the rooms in our house save, the bathroom(upstairs) and the kids rooms. All other rooms have had some changes..The kitchen not so much but since it's a pass gets junkified at all times.

I can't wait til all the projects get done so we can unpack all the boxes, put things away and throw out the junk that invariably got packed up as well. It will be nice when this place is done and we can relax and enjoy living here.

So instead of working out I am doing this..surfing the net, playing my facebook games, folding laundry and minding the baby. I really need to get back on the workout wagon.

Wish me luck! He might clean again...ahhhhhhh